Simpsons Porn Story: The Whole Thing of the Matter Is Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: The Whole Thing of the Matter Is Chapter 1

Whole Thing of the Matter Is

Yet another Simpsons fanfiction. A bit more edgy than the
Moe-related fics I have done in the past, but real life has trauma as
well as we all know. After seeing The Simpsons movie I laughed, I
cried, and I thought Moes undies were really adorable. And cuter
still, he wears little sock garters.

go Moe, show off those sexy legs. Yeah, I guess I am a little sweet
on Moe, but what can I say, I love his character. The premise is
Lynn believes she is pregnant even though she and Moe have been
careful in the bedroom. Apparently though, it is only a false
alarm, but it brings out the best of the Syzlak family as a whole.

and while you were gone, I became the Emperor of Springfield.Moe
to Marge, The Simpsons Movie

you didnt !, Barney in distance

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Simpsons Porn Story: Maggie goes to high school Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Maggie goes to high school Chapter 1

It was a
hot summer day, a kind of day that made you want to swim all day long
in the cold inviting water. Maggie longed to be in water; even if she
couldnt swim it didnt matter if it was cold but she had no such
luck. Today was her first day of high school; she was now 13 and was
enjoying some what of a normal life.

Aw, my
baby is all grown up. Marge says combining Maggies hair even
though it was already the way Maggie liked it.

school, Ill tell you about high school. It sucks, one day youre
the top dog and the next youre pushed into rubbish cans, mocked by
nerds and bored to death by boring lessons about what forces act on
air planes. Bart says, watching T.V while observing his excited

Bart, I
told you not to tell her about high school. Lisa says, after
finishing her breakfast of toast and a cup of tea, it tasted so good
because it was her mother that made it. Lisa was returning to
university, she wanted to become a doctor and had worked her ass off
last year to pass.

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Simpsons Porn Story: The devils revenge Chapter 2

Simpsons Porn Story: The devils revenge Chapter 2

SIMPSONS: revenge of the devil



was as if the clown was the devils weakness and it was. Soon the
devil found out so h strait away went to Barts house and put to
sleep everyone. He then took them to the dungeon but surprisingly it
was Krusties house and the devil ran away again.

devil then went to there house and started to bring out his knife but
just then Krusty arrived and the devil froze but then a murderer came
in and brutally killed Krusty, however the face paint krusty was
wearing got torn off not his skin and the devil had successfully
slipped away with Maggie so homer and the crew set of on a quest to
retrieve her along with Krusty the clown.

went on the boat to London and found the devil was hiding in big Ben
and Lisa told her friends dad who was leader of the army to send a
helicopter up there and retrieve Maggie but the devil said waka
waka woo and the helicopter was destroyed and the man inside it
defended the devil.

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Simpsons Porn Story: The devils revenge Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: The devils revenge Chapter 1

SIMPSONS: revenge of the devil


years ago when Bart was 3, a devil invaded the Simpsons home.
First it knocked out Homer then Marge and then Lisa. But Bart used a
box and sang a song and the evil devil got trapped in the box.

now the devil has been free thanks to a baby called Maggie who has
freed him. He now seeks revenge on the Simpsons but on the way to
his secret dungeon he sees Nelson and Flanders in a shop and puts a
spell on them waka waka woo, said the devil.

they obeyed the devil and said, we only obey the devil, we only
obey the devil and they broke threw all the shops like zombies.
Then they stole all of the valuables and killed anyone that was
necessary. Krusty the clown came in to one and the zombies ran away
and became normal people.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Lost Without You Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Lost Without You Chapter 1

DISCLAMER: I do not own ANY of these characters except Caitlin and Cecilia.. oh and Sammi. *YES SABBIE I OWN YOU!!*brbr

______________________The introduction__________________________

This story is from the characters point of view. So i will put their name at the top, and thats how you will know!! :-D So yeah.. have

______________________Chapter 1__________________________


It was the day. What day i hear you ask? Valentines day. I walk out of my front door.. Hair done, under cap. I check it. Still smooth. good. You guys must be wondering why im wondering for? Well, i wanted to impress the most popular girl in the school. Spinelli. Shes talented, impressive and most of all, beautiful.

“Hey Teej!” Vince shouted bouncing the basketball being me.

“Vince, be careful with the hair, dude!”

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Simpsons Porn Story: What I Pine For Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: What I Pine For Chapter 1

sit in the back of Lisas Car, my legs tucked under my chin away
from the prying eyes of the neighbourhood children. Im Maggie
Simpson, Aged ten, a Reserved Girl who doesnt mix very well, Lost
in a world of fate.

Children at school act like I dont exist, Like a soulful speck of
dust floating forever in a vacant
landscape, Even the teachers treat me with care, I have to have
special lessons so everyone thinks Im thick which I the case I

not like other Children

it would have been better if I had died that day I fell from the top
of the Climbing Frame. Be free of this pain and exclusion. Thats
how I got this horrid illness. I had been climbing then suddenly like
a hand had pushed me I was thrown back and landed with a smack on the
hard concrete. I had passed out.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 13

Simpsons Porn Story: Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 13

A/N: Okay this chapter will be a flashback. This idea actually came to me at the last minute so if it seems out of place then that is the reason. I know that there are a few things from chapter 3 that I should probably fix now because of that, so when I get the chance I will. So try to ignore some of the problems and try to enjoy this chapter.

Ned paced back and forth in his kitchen and stared out the window at his backyard. There was nothing planned for the day, just to stay home and listen for any calls from the Simpson house. Marge would be gone all day for a court hearing and the kids were left alone with Homer. He would be their emergency contact if anything bad happened and he prayed that nothing would. For some strange reason though, he felt he needed to head on over to the house for a visit. The last time he saw Homer was at least a month or two ago when he went to church for possibly the final time. Ned didnt get to talk to him because everyone else was around him asking him how he was doing and that he was tougher than he looked. Ned felt so bad for Homer and he remembered when Marge told him that his health had fallen. She had been so strong when she said it and it made him wonder how they both handled it. At least they were able to say goodbye properly.

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Simpsons Porn Story: the simpsons viagra fest

Simpsons Porn Story: the simpsons viagra fest


Bart walked around
and around his bedroom, even with all the toys and electronic games
in the room he was bored. Milhouse hadn’t come round but that was
probably due to the fact he was still at his aunts he suddenly
recalled. He sure as hell wasn’t going to go and ask the neighbours
to play, yeah right singing and bible quizzes. He would have asked
Lisa he was that bored but she was out with a few mates horse riding,
dad was doing overtime at work…..overtime must be sucking up for a
raise. Maggie was no fun, so he just paced. He walked out of his
bedroom up the hall, then back then up the other end of the hall, on
his way back he saw his parents bedroom door open, there on his
fathers bed side cabinet was catapult, it had been confiscated two
days ago for shooting frozen peas at Lisa, he smiled boredom ended.
Bart looked around no one but his mother in the house and she was
down stairs watching TV, inside he slipped like a ninja. Bart tiptoed
to the cabinet, as he reached he noticed a magazine peeping out from
under the bed, Bart frowned, he bent down and pulled it out. This
months edition of play dude….cool he thought, with one more quick
look at the door and the catapult gone from his mind bart knelt down
making sure his head was below the level of the bed, just in case.

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Simpsons Porn Story: i spy part 2

Simpsons Porn Story: i spy part 2

The next morning marge was in the kitchen first having made coffee and preparing to make breakfast for the family. Lisa shuffled in wearing her robe shaking out her long golden hair. “Well! Good morning sleepy-head!” marge said cheerfully handing over a hot cup. “‘Morning, Mom” lisa said blearily. “Thanks.”

“Well you look dreadful.”

“I have an excuse Mom” smiled lisa.

“Mmmmm… and what might that be dear” asked her mother absently.

“All that noise you and Homer were making last night.”

“Oh I’m sorry did we wake you honey” marge asked looking surprised.

“Yeah it’s okay though.” lisa said.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Sleepover

Simpsons Porn Story: Sleepover

  It had been a month since the night Milhouse had toyed with Bart in his sleep and Lisa awaked.  Since then, he had not had the opportunity to have sex again, with them or anyone else, even though Bart had slept at his house only a week ago.  Milhouse had to resort to hand, but it was getting tiresome.  After having a feel of both Simpson kids, he craved for more.   Bart had quickly forgotten his strange wake of a month ago, but Lisa hadn’t.  She had remained somewhat distant of him however.  The sex had been good, but she was only interested in playing with Milhouse, not actually dating him.  But even from afar, she could tell Milhouse wasn’t only interested in her.  She noticed the glances he gave her brother’s butt and crotch area, even though Bart didn’t.  Maybe she could do them both.

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