Simpsons Porn Story: Sleepover

Simpsons Porn Story: Sleepover

  It had been a month since the night Milhouse had toyed with Bart in his sleep and Lisa awaked.  Since then, he had not had the opportunity to have sex again, with them or anyone else, even though Bart had slept at his house only a week ago.  Milhouse had to resort to hand, but it was getting tiresome.  After having a feel of both Simpson kids, he craved for more.   Bart had quickly forgotten his strange wake of a month ago, but Lisa hadn’t.  She had remained somewhat distant of him however.  The sex had been good, but she was only interested in playing with Milhouse, not actually dating him.  But even from afar, she could tell Milhouse wasn’t only interested in her.  She noticed the glances he gave her brother’s butt and crotch area, even though Bart didn’t.  Maybe she could do them both.

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Simpsons Porn Story: thesimpsons-lisathetimebomb

Simpsons Porn Story: thesimpsons-lisathetimebomb

Lisa the Time

“AH! What a beautiful morning!”

Lisa sits up
in her bed, ready to bring in the day…one of the most important
days of her life. As her eyes adjust to the morning sun beaming
through the window, she glances at her to-do list on the side of her
bed. 4 things are marked down, all in order. 1. Give a speech at the
MENSA luncheon. 2. Perform a Jazz Ballad for Tokyo representatives to
welcome them to Springfield. 3. Mail her academic application to
Princeton, so she can get in…and the last one, 4. The one that she
dreads doing the most.

“Oh, why did I have to schedule it
for today?” She asks herself.

“Because you’re a big
Brainiac with a big butt?” Lisa looks over to see her brother
standing in the doorway, Bart Simpson.

“Not now, Bart.”
She replies. “It’s gonna be a rough day today, and I have to
ready myself mentally so that I can give my speech soon.”

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Simpsons Porn Story: Nelsons Den

Simpsons Porn Story: Nelsons Den

Nelsons Den

Nelson Muntz walked around kicking stones and whatever else dared to be in his way, bored, completely bored. None of his mates were here to help cure this boredom so they could cause havoc and mischief or just to have someone to talk with….be with. He strolled around hands dug deep in pockets with nothing to do. It was Friday night, the beginning of the weekend, It had been hot today, it was looking like it was going to be hot over the weekend, it didn’t look like he was going to have a good weekend as not only were his mates not here now, they weren’t going to be there with his over the weekend either, this added to his boredom, the knowing he was alone over the weekend. Dusk was coming and he strolled towards the park. There was a few people here, walking dogs, playing with kids or just strolling, it added to his feeling of loneliness as he watched them with friends or with something to do, he dug his hands deeper.

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Simpsons Porn Story: The Process of Change Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: The Process of Change Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not
The Simpsons

The Process of

all one big change. As human beings, we dont respond to it well.
When the abolitionist movement grew in the 1840s and 1850s, people
didnt accept it. When the French monarchy was overthrown in the
French Revolution, the other European countries sent armies to
restore it. When America experienced the Civil Rights Movement in
the 1960s, resistance was amazing. And now, as I hear that were
about to sell our house and move to Capital City, Im afraid of
what the future will bring.

Its human nature to
glorify the past, gripe about the present, and fear the future. The
sad truth is usually that the good old days werent so good
when we lived them and the present isnt as bad as we think it to
be. Now, in 2008, when weve lived eight years of a George Bush
Presidency, we think back to the good old days of the 1990s,
when Bill Clinton was President. What we usually overlook is the
scandal and the recession of the early part of the decade. We
overlook the fact that a lot of the decisions that led to the
problems of today were created in that period, and even before that.
And when we leave this present, into the future, well look back on
now as the good old days, even if theyre not that great. We
do it when we watch television. We complain when the writers change
the format when the show goes on for a while by adding new characters
or simply changing around some situations in the characters lives.
But the truth is, if they didnt, wed call the show boring
or tired.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Kiss Me Chapter 2

Simpsons Porn Story: Kiss Me Chapter 2


PPPPPPPPPPP Saturday, Michael showed up with a
raft of receipt book forms, several saddlebags, and a list of companies who
might need a messenger or courier service.P
Molly was impressed, perched on the edge or Rebeccas desk.

PPPPPPPPPPP Youve come prepared.

PPPPPPPPPPP Well. Im not going to have
another redfruit fiasco.P The tiger
said.P Molly laughed.

PPPPPPPPPPP It wasnt a fiasco we just lost
our shirts.P Michael smiled back

PPPPPPPPPPP I hope you dont mean you thought
it was a success?

PPPPPPPPPPP Mom did say it was a learning

PPPPPPPPPPP It was that.P Michael shook his head.P

PPPPPPPPPPP Anyway, These bags came out of the
old property room, and nobody wanted them, and yes I did get granduncles
approval.P Molly grinned at Michael.

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Simpsons Porn Story: Unexpected Connections Chapter 5

Simpsons Porn Story: Unexpected Connections Chapter 5

The next time I was at the plant, which was the Saturday subsequent to the one on which I nearly demolished my dads sector with my licentious intentions, I made myself out to be an even greater fool than Mr. Smithers already likely thought I was.

On that Saturday, while on my way to the water fountain by the cafeteria, I overheard what sounded like an intense conversation between Mr. Smithers and Mr. Charles Montgomery Burns, the highest-level executive in the company. I knew I should have kept walking on my merry way to the fountain, but instead, I lingered by the open door and eavesdropped.

What were you thinking, hiring that woman as our new controls system design engineer? Shes an embarrassment to our corporation! Mr. Burns exclaimed with ire.

Mr. Smithers replied, bewildered, But sir, she has a degree from Dartmouth, a mass of experience with HVAC design, current security clearance

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Simpsons Porn Story: Enter Duffman Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Enter Duffman Chapter 1

hackrcam wrote a parody song to bingo so I wrote one to enter
sandman. However his was kind of good mine kind of sucks

Say your
prayers fat one

forget, my oaf

To drink
every beer

Drink it
in, warm within

Keep you
free from Marge

Till the
duffman he comes

Drunk with
one eye open

Vomit on
your pillow tonight



take my beer

Or your
going to visit never never land

wrong, shut up Marge

Heavy beer

And they
arent of duff light

Drinks of
war, drinks of liars

Drinks of
dragons fire

And of
things that will paralyse.

Now I lay
me down to imbibe

Pray the
lord my soul to sober

If I die
before I wake

Lay the
lard in soil to drink

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Simpsons Porn Story: Untitled Chapter 1

Simpsons Porn Story: Untitled Chapter 1

It was baffling, really.
Heather was straight. She had a boyfriend – or did she? Justin had
been spending more time with Beth, but Heather thought it was just
strategy. And yet, the thought that it might be something real didn’t
bother her at all. In fact, it might even be a relief to have Justin
off her back.

But it hurt her to see
Lindsay fawning over the male model.

This was wrong. Her secret
relationship with Justin, her sudden lust for Lindsay… all of it.

Heather couldn’t stand it.
This game, her confusion, and the fact that she didn’t hate Lindsay
nearly as much as she thought she did.

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Come and shag this wild housewife Marge Simpson already!

Simpsons Hentai Comic

Hentai Picture: Come and shag this wild housewife Marge Simpson already!
Heaps of Simpsons lassies’ knockers leaping at hard-hitting joy-stick jostles and the most modest icons that are changed into exotic wallies… Cute Marge Simpson demonstrates her amazing nipples and takes deep an internal cumshot after getting shagged! The best part for bitchy babes of Simpsons is to be engaged in wild banging parties with horniest studs and give their cum slits to be completely messed up by the stiffest dicks!

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Simpsons Porn Story: Unlikely Babysitters. Chapter III

Simpsons Porn Story: Unlikely Babysitters. Chapter III

A temptation. Until that very moment, he had not considered Maggie as such, but now he realised how deep the curiosity he felt for the baby went. He thought: ‘Maggie had obviously liked how his fingers had delicately rubbed her slit, so maybe I could…’ But he turned his head fiercely, as if he had received a blow. He wondered if this temptation made him a bad person or if it was just natural for a boy his age to be attracted to a naked female, even if she was just a baby. His eyes fell upon the now happy child, who was playing with some plastic hoops while sucking on her pacifier. He shifted his gaze to Bart, feeling the droplets of embarrassment sweat form on his brow. He didn’t know how Bart would take this new bit of information. Sure Bart knew how much he liked sexy Lisa, but Maggie was uncharted territory. He probed his friend with his eyes, trying to make out his thoughts.

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